About Air Rifle Shooting
The air rifle match consists of a 60 shot event for men and women using a .177 calibre target air rifle weighing no more than 5.5kg. In Australia both men and women jointly contest this and most other events.
The event is shot in the standing position over a distance of 10 metres usually on an indoor range.
The “bulls-eye” is a dot measuring 0.5mm in the centre of the target.
We have many talented air rifle shooters in South Australia, for many years we have been winning national titles at this event.
It is a sport that requires a great deal of skill and concentration, although little strength is required, just a good eye and the ability to stay focused, making it the ideal sport for men and women to compete against each other on equal terms.
This is one of the shooting events that is contested internationally at World Championships, Olympic and Commonweatlh Games.
This is also an ideal sport for juniors and older people. (See below for our Air Rifle Supported Events.
Also, it is an international sport for shooters with disabilities (see the section on Shooting for the Disabled.).